I have installed the Breeze package using sbt.
But it looks like that the sbt's scala is a different installation than the default scala repl on my Mac.
I would like to install Breeze on the default scala installation. But I don't know how! Edit:
By the default installation of Scala, I mean the one that is detectable by the which command: MacBook-Pro:bin alt$ which scala /usr/local/bin/scala
Now, if I run scala and import breeze.linalg._
MacBook-Pro:bin alt$ scala
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.6 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_79).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> import breeze.linalg._
<console>:7: error: not found: value Breeze
import breeze.linalg._
But if I scala through sbt then the import works and I have access to Breeze's sub-libraries.
(I'm new to both Mac and Scala.) Any help is appreciated.
First, it's import breeze.linalg._ not import Breeze.linalg._
As for actually "installing" Breeze. I don't have a great solution for you. Probably easiest is to check out the breeze project on github, and then run "sbt assembly", which should produce a single jar with all of (core) breeze's dependencies. You can then add that jar to the classpath in the usual ways.
It won't include breeze-viz or the native libraries. For those you should e.g. run sbt "project natives" assembly and use that jar.