I just upgraded to windows 10 and I cannot get my sublimelinter-php. I have sublimelinter-css and sublimelinter-jshist working fine.
My php file is located in. C:\xampp\php\php.exe
My paths look like this atm:
"paths": {
"linux": [],
"osx": [],
"windows": [
I have tried using the path C:/xampp/php/
I have checked that sublimelinter-php is enabled.
I have succesfully been able to use the path C:\\xampp\\php\\
on my Windows 7 laptop, but can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong now on my Windows 10 version. Any help would be much appreciated.
I ended up finding the solution by taking a different approach, but before that try running Sublime as admin.
I added the file path C:\xampp\php
to my computers PATH environment variable
This is done by:
1) Going to your PC's Control Panel
2) Select System
3) Select Advanced system settings
4) From System Properties, select Environment Variables
5) Under System Variables find the variable Path
. Select it and click edit
6) At the end of the Variable Value add your PHP's path location. In my case it was C:\xampp\php
. All paths are separated by a ;
so be sure to add one, if there isn't already, followed by your PHP's file path.
7) Restart your Sublime Text editor and your sublimelinter-php should be working.
Hopefully that might help someone in the future.