Please i'm beginner in XSLT. Can some one explain for me how transform this XMI file to XML file ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<projet:Config xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:test="" xmlns:occi="">
<use href="extensions/plugin.xmi#/"/>
<group id="group1">
<type href="extensions/plugin#//[term='host']"/>
<variable name="v1" value="x86"/>
<variable name="v2" value="Linux"/>
<variable name="v3" value="Xen"/>
to tansform the previous XMI to xml file such as:
<host v1="x86" v2="Linux" v3="Xen">
There are many many ways to do this. Here's one: Start with a template to match the root node to give you a valid root tag (this is assuming your group
nodes are repeatable); have a template below that which matches the group
nodes, and a template below that that matches the variable
nodes in that group. Build your attributes in the variable
Note that your input XML is invalid and may cause problems - that projet
prefix is undeclared, which is why I'm referencing it using the local-name()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" version="2.0">
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match="/*[local-name()='Config']/group">
<xsl:element name="{type/substring-before(substring-after(@href,'term='''), ''']')}">
<xsl:apply-templates />
<xsl:template match="variable">
<xsl:attribute name="{@name}"><xsl:value-of select="@value" /></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:template match="text()" />