I'm trying to run a script that counts down from 60:00, where 60 is the number of seconds and 00 the number of milliseconds. I can't get the script to function properly at all. Anyone have any idea on what's the problem?
Set /a bignum=60
Set smallnum=00
Set /a handlevariable=1
Set /a bignumhandle=0
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
If %bignum% EQU 00 GoTo :StopWatchEndCheck
If %bignum% EQU 9 set /a bignumhandle=1
If %smallnum% EQU 9 set /a handlevariable=1
If %handlevariable% EQU 1 GoTo :NumberMods
Set /a smallnum-=1
GoTo :StopWatchHandle
If %smallnum% EQU 01 GoTo :StopWatchExit
GoTo :StopWatchEndCheckNo
If %smallnum% EQU 00 set /a smallnum=99
If %smallnum% EQU 00 set /a handlevariable=0
If %smallnum% EQU 01 set smallnum=00
If %smallnum% EQU 02 set smallnum=01
If %smallnum% EQU 03 set smallnum=02
If %smallnum% EQU 04 set smallnum=03
If %smallnum% EQU 05 set smallnum=04
If %smallnum% EQU 06 set smallnum=05
If %smallnum% EQU 07 set smallnum=06
If %smallnum% EQU 08 set smallnum=07
If %smallnum% EQU 09 set smallnum=08
If %smallnum% EQU 9 set smallnum=09
If %smallnum% EQU 99 set /a bignum-=1
If %bignumhandle% EQU 1 GoTo :BigNumMods
GoTo :StopWatchHandle
If %bignum% EQU 01 set bignum=00
If %bignum% EQU 02 set bignum=01
If %bignum% EQU 03 set bignum=02
If %bignum% EQU 04 set bignum=03
If %bignum% EQU 05 set bignum=04
If %bignum% EQU 06 set bignum=05
If %bignum% EQU 07 set bignum=06
If %bignum% EQU 08 set bignum=07
If %bignum% EQU 09 set bignum=08
If %bignum% EQU 9 set bignum=09
echo Program Launch Console, Version 1.0.2
echo StopWatch: %bignum%:%smallnum%
ping localhost -n 1 >nul
GoTo :StopWatchRoutine
GoTo :PhaseThree
I'm using this batch file as part of a user interface, so it is important that the echo part of it stays intact. Otherwise, any suggestions on how to make the script more efficient are welcome.
Thank you for all your assistance, it's very, VERY much appreciated.
Excuse me. A couple comments first:
command? Its effect is precisely the opposite to the desired one!Anyway, if you want a more efficient countdown routine in Batch, try this one:
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Get a CR control character (Ascii 13)
for /F %%a in ('copy /Z "%~F0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
echo Program Launch Console, Version 1.0.2
set /P "=StopWatch: 60.000!CR!" < NUL
set /A bignum=60, smallnum=2000
for /F "tokens=3 delims=:." %%a in ("%time%") do set "currentSec=%%a"
for /F "tokens=3 delims=:." %%a in ("%time%") do if "%currentSec%" equ "%%a" (
set /A smallnum-=4
) else (
rem The next line will help to adjust previous smallnum's subtrahend
set "currentSec=%%a"
set /A bignum-=1, smallnum=2000
if !bignum! equ 0 goto StopWatchExit
set /P "=StopWatch: %bignum%:%smallnum:~1% !CR!" < NUL
GoTo :StopWatchRoutine
echo StopWatch: 0.000
Note that, in order to display the milliseconds in a way as realist as possible, you must adjust the number in set /A smallnum-=4
command. The "4" is the right one for my computer.