I am writing my own search for a rather small project. The search page consists of g:selects populated by domain object fields like so:
<g:form action="list" method="GET">
Last Name <g:select id="lastName" name="searchedLName" from="${StudentEntry.list(sort:lastName, order:desc)}"
noSelection="['null':'None']" optionValue="lastName" value="${params.searchedLName}"/><br/>
Submitted By <g:select id="submitter" name="searchedSubmitter" from="${UserAuth.list(sort:userName, order:desc)}"
noSelection="['null':'None']" optionValue="userName" value="${params.searchedSubmitter}"/><br/>
<button id="submitIt" type="submit">Search</button>
Here is a snippet of the domain object
class StudentEntry {
String firstName
String lastName
String submittedBy
String toString() {
lastName + ", " + firstName
Here is some bootstrap data
def entry1 = new StudentEntry {
firstName: "John"
lastName: "Smith"
submittedBy: "Jane Doe"
def entry2 = new StudentEntry {
firstName: "James"
lastName: "Jones"
submittedBy: "Jane Doe"
Here is the code for list from the StudentEntryController
def list(params) {
def result
println "Searched Last Name: " + params?.searchedLName
def theLastName = params?.searchedLName
println "Searched Last Name: " + theLastName
println "Searched Submitter: " + params?.searchedSubmitter
def theSubmitter = params?.searchedSubmitter
println "Searched Submitter: " + theSubmitter
if(params) {
result = StudentEntry.findAllWhere(lastName: theLastName, submitter: theSubmitter)
When I run the search, the println statements are outputting the toString method of the StudentEntry class of the domain object associated with the selected value. For example, if I search for lastName="Jones", the println will output Searched Last Name: Jones, James
. My render method returns an empty list when I want to see the entry of James Jones.
What is the correct way to pass the property of the object instead of the object itself to the findAllWhere method?
It appears that I neglected to specify the field that I want to search on as the optionKey
attribute in the g:select. The println
statements are now outputting the desired data.