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Dynamic parameters with Python's retry decorator

I'm currently using the python retrying package which contains the @retry decorator that has a number of optional parameters. I have these parameters set correctly for our production environment with long enough wait times in between retries (below it's set to 2000 milliseconds) but I would like to set these values differently for unit testing purposes so that execution is very quick.

For example here the wait_fixed time is set to 2000 milliseconds for production but for my unit test that calls some_function() I'd like to override the wait_fixed parameter to be 1 millisecond so it executes very quickly.

@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=3, wait_fixed=2000)
def some_function(self):
    return True

The problem I'm running into is that the decorator is interpreted when the function is defined so as of yet I have not found a way to override the wait_fixed parameter from my unit tests.



    import settings
    from retrying import retry
    def some_function(self):
        return True

    import json
    with open('config.json') as jsonf:
        config = json.loads(


        "STOP_MAX_ATTEMPT_NUMBER" : "3",
        "WAIT_FIXED" : "2000"

    Have your test runner put a suitable config.json in place.