for example i have text file with content
hello world
sport cars
hello world2
jackie chan
hello world3
fried chicken
flower boy
flash dance
flower girl
sun flower
what the hello
i want to create a batch file using findstr with multiple search string, for example: hello and flower, but i want to print only the first occurence each, in other words, it will skip the first search string and move on to search the next string. so the result will be like this:
hello world
hello world3
flower boy
what the hello
is this possible? i can print all the occurence found in multiple files to output.txt with this code
@echo off
>"output.txt" (
for %%F in (*.txt) do (
findstr /c:"hello" /c:"flower" "%%F"
findstr . "output.txt" >""
move /y "" "output.txt" >nul
type output.txt
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "word[0]=hello"
set "word[1]=flower"
set "lastFind="
>"output.tmp" (
for %%F in (*.txt) do (
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('findstr /c:"%word[0]%" /c:"%word[1]%" "%%F"') do (
set "line=%%a"
if not defined lastFind (
if "!line:%word[0]%=!" equ "!line!" (set lastFind=0) else set lastFind=1
for %%b in (!lastFind!) do for /F %%c in ("!word[%%b]!") do if "!line:%%c=!" equ "!line!" (
echo !line!
set /A "lastFind=(lastFind+1)%%2"
rem Activate next line to restart the seek in each file
REM set "lastFind="
ren output.tmp output.txt
type output.txt