I'm using slim with a small array to populate a select tag.
first attempt:
=f.select (:productline) do
-[["productlinetest","value"],["[B] Bolted Bonnet"] ].each do |c|
= content_tag(:option, c.first, value: c.last)
This works fine but if i want to add more options I would have to have them all on the same line. I would prefer something like this:
=f.select (:productline) do
["[B] Bolted Bonnet"]
].each do |c|
= content_tag(:option, c.first, value: c.last)
but that doesn't work.
Move your array into the controller action, and use @variable
in views:
def my_awesome_action
@array = [["productlinetest","value"],
["[B] Bolted Bonnet"]]
in views:
= f.select (:productline) do
- @array.each do |c|
= content_tag(:option, c.first, value: c.last)
template engine doesn't allow multi line expression like in Ruby