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Un/bound methods in Cheetah

Is there a way to declare static methods in cheetah? IE


#def address($address, $title)
<div class="address">
#if $address.title
$address.title <br/>
#end if
$address.line1 <br/>
#if $address.line2
$address.line2 <br/>
#end if
$, $address.state $address.zipcode
#end def


other snippets


#from snippets import *

$snippets.address($home_address, "home address")

This code reports this error: NotFound: cannot find 'address'. Cheetah is compiling it as a bound method, natch:

class snippets(Template):


    def address(self, address, title, **KWS):

Is there a way to declare static methods? If not, what are some alternative ways to implement something like this (a snippets library)?


  • This page seems to have some relevant information, but I'm not in a position to try it out myself right now, sorry.

    Specifically, you should just be able to do:

    #def address($address, $title)

    ...and have it work.

    (If you didn't know, staticmethod is a built-in function that creates a... static method :) It's most commonly used as a decorator. So I found that page by Googling "cheetah staticmethod".)