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Could not lookup required component: java.util.NoSuchElementException

I started testing a Maven plug-in via the maven-invoker-plugin, and am stuck with a weird exception:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.acme.simple: Could not lookup required component: java.util.NoSuchElementException 
[ERROR] role:

I added the maven-invoker-plugin like this:


I -erm- borrowed the settings.xml from this Maven plug-in. And what fails in the pom.xml to be tested is this call:


After some more digging around, I figure that Tycho is at least part of the problem:



If I remove @project.version@ it works, but it's evidently not the current version of the plug-in that is tested. So I guess I have to leave it in. I tried adding maven-compat (as suggested here), but it didn't do anything.

The same exception is displayed when I don't add the plug-in in the pom.xml, but call it via:


Any advice how to handle that problem?


  • Evidently this plug-in got lost somehow, adding it again made the exception go away:
