I am trying to input and prove Z specifications in Isabelle.
Say I have a vending machine specification written in the LaTeX format:
stock, takings: \nat
\Delta VMSTATE \\
cash\_tendered?, cash\_refunded!: \nat \\
bars\_delivered! : \nat
cash\_tendered?: \nat
cash\_tendered? = price
I don't know if I should put the schema's as lemmas or functions?
This is what i have so far:
theory vendingmachine
Main Fact "~~/src/HOL/Hoare/Hoare_Logic"
type_synonym price = nat
type_synonym stock = nat
type_synonym takings = nat
type_synonym cash_tendered = nat
function exact_cash "(cash_tendered:nat)"
cash_tendered ≡ price;
The type synonyms work fine however when I get to the exact cash schema which I have translated as an exact_cash functions I keep getting errors.
So in summary I would just like to know how to input schema's into isabelle.
Some people developed frameworks for Z-specifications in Isabelle/HOL (other link) a decade ago. (As far as I know, they are not maintained anymore – but maybe they can still be of some help to you.)
Usually, Z-specifications can be rewritten into TLA specifications quite easily. So, you could also try to use the actively maintained HOL-TLA-session of Isabelle.
But let's first stick with common Isabelle/HOL.
Encoding your Z-specification fragment in plain Isabelle/HOL would look something like:
theory VendingMachine
--"record datatype for the state variables"
record VMSTATE =
stock :: nat
takings :: nat
--"a vending machine is parameterized over a price constant"
locale VendingMachine =
fixes price :: nat
definition VM_operation ::
"VMSTATE ⇒ VMSTATE ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bool"
where "VM_operation vmstate vmstate' cash_tendered cash_refunded bars_delivered ≡
True" --"TODO: specify predicate"
definition exact_cash ::
"nat ⇒ bool"
where "exact_cash cash_tendered ≡
cash_tendered = price"
Notice that I dropped the distinction between in- and output variables. The Delta-variable VMSTATE
in VM_operation
is split into vmstate
and vmstate'
To really work with such a specification, you would need some more auxiliary definitions. For instance, the state space of the specification could then be defined as an inductive predicate like, e.g.:
inductive_set state_space :: "VMSTATE set"
Init: "⦇ stock = 10, takings = 0 ⦈ ∈ state_space"
--"some initial state for the sake of a meaningful definition...."
| Step: "vmstate ∈ state_space
∧ (∃ cash_tendered cash_refunded bars_delivered .
VM_operation vmstate vmstate' cash_tendered cash_refunded bars_delivered)
⟹ vmstate' ∈ state_space"