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Using Autotools for a new shared library

What I want to do is to create a new shared library called libxxx that links against another shared library called libzzz, this shared library has an independent "pkg-config"-like tool, let's say it's called "zzz-config" which gives the cflags needed by the compilation phase when using the libzzz. What I want to do is:

  • Create configure/makefile, etc.. using autotools like automake, autoconf, etc;
  • It must use the zzz-config script cited above;
  • It must generate automatic dependencies for sources;
  • It must have a mode for building debug (with no optimization) and release (with optimizations) builds;
  • The sources are in C++;
  • It must target for a shared library;
  • It must read sources for a src directory and put compiled files in another directory

I've read almost all available tutorials for autotools but I was not able to figure a way to do that, if you can point some example would be very kindly.

Thank you !


  • My suggestion is to use CMake instead of autotools. It's much easier to work with and it will also create platform-dependent projects to work with (i.e. Makefile-based projects, Visual Studio projects, Eclipse CDT projects, etc.).

    It will also create debug or release projects, depending on the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable value.

    Creating the libxxx library is as simple as:

    add_library(libxxx SHARED ${LIBXXX_SOURCES})

    where LIBXXX_SOURCES is a variable that holds the sources.

    Linking the two libraries is just as easy (see target_link_libraries):

    target_link_libraries(libxxx libzzz)

    To get the compilation flags from the zzz-config script you would use the execute_process command like so:

    execute_process(COMMAND ./zzz-config 
                    WORKING_DIRECTORY "<your_working_directory>"
                    OUTPUT_VARIABLE ZZZ_FLAGS)

    Then you can set the CMAKE_C_FLAGS or the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable to setup the required compilation flags.