I am new to SSIS ,and I am trying to make a package that automatically creates a backup of the Prod server and restores it on Dev server. For that I am using a backup database task in control flow . I am trying to store the name of the backup file that is created into a variable and then pass the same to the restore task . But I am not able to understand the format in which this filename is created . It is like \Configurations_backup_2015_07_29_133104_1546397.bak'.
Can anyone help me with how to fetch this name and pass it directly to restore task. Thanks
Try executing below query to get the backup name created by the task. The same can be stored into a variable and passed on for restore.
select top 1
msdb.dbo.backupset as bs
inner join
msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily as bmf
on bmf.media_set_id = bs.media_set_id
bs.database_name = 'master' --mention your database name
and bs.type = 'D'
order by
bs.backup_start_date desc