I'm trying to download the open source version of reddit to play with it.
I'm following: https://github.com/reddit/reddit/wiki/Install-guide
But I'm getting an error:
Cannot find Cython. Skipping Cython build.
When running:
python setup.py build
I'm on a Mac Pro with Yosemite if that makes a difference.
What am I doing wrong? I Googled "Cannot find Cython. Skipping Cython build reddit" but I didn't seem to see anything related except the actual exception in https://github.com/reddit/reddit/blob/master/r2/setup.py
The closest thing I found was just looking at Cython: http://docs.cython.org/src/quickstart/install.html which lists:
Mac OS X To retrieve gcc, one option is to install Apple’s XCode, which can be retrieved from the Mac OS X’s install DVDs or from http://developer.apple.com.
However I have a recent and updated computer with xcode dev tools installed. What am I missing?
I manually installed it with:
easy_install cython
I was unable to resolve why it was not included with xcode as the Cython instructions state.