I have a problem with resolve and my nested view is not loading because ot that. I don't see where is the problem. This was working with ng-route.
Here is my situation. We should see "View3" text bellow other tow. If you remove the resolve it will work.
[1]: http://plnkr.co/edit/p483wWVSp30LGiQMuk1r?p=preview
Here is my State with Resolve. The problem is that i used $route as parameter. $route is averrable for ng-route module.
.state('test.subs.quest', {
url: '/:bob',
views: {
'quest@test': {
template: "View3",
controller: function($stateParams) {
resolve: {
Questions: function(Questionnaire, $route) {
console.log('any body here ?');
return Questionnaire.Get($route.current.params.slug);
and it should be like this:
.state('categories.category.questionnaire', {
url: '/:slug',
template: '<div compilehtml="html"></div>',
controller: 'QuestionnaireController',
resolve: {
Questions: function(Questionnaire, $stateParams ) {
return Questionnaire.Get($stateParams.slug);