I'm trying to write a Batch file to decrypt a folder of .gpg
files that have all been encrypted with the same public key. This is what I have so far:
@ECHO off
SET outbound=C:\encrypted files
SET olddir=%CD%
SET password=correcthorsebatterystaple
CD /d %outbound%
DIR *.gpg /B > tmp.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%F IN (tmp.txt) DO (
ECHO %%F > tmplen.txt
FOR %%L IN (tmplen.txt) DO (SET namelen=%%~zL)
DEL tmplen.txt
gpg --output %%F:~0, namelen-4 --batch --yes --passphrase %password% --decrypt %%F)
DEL tmp.txt
CD /d %olddir%
Currently it just prints
usage: gpg [options] [filename]
This is my first time trying to write a Batch script, so I'm sure it's something simple.
The following should work:
@ECHO off
SET password=correcthorsebatterystaple
PUSHD "C:\encrypted files"
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%F IN ('DIR *.gpg /B') DO (
gpg --output %%~nF --batch --yes --passphrase %password% --decrypt %%F)
and POPD
are used to temporarily manoeuvre into another directory;DIR
, because FOR
is also capable of parsing the output of a command (the set within IN ()
is enclosed with ''
so it is interpreted as a command, not a file spec.);FOR
loop, at least according to my interpretation), you just need to give the modifier ~n
, in our situation %%~nF
; your method did not work because:
(you would need to use an interim variable together with SET /A
for arithmetic operations, and also delayed expansion had to be active then);:~0,8
does not work with FOR
variables (you would need an interim variable to do that, and again delayed expansion had to be active then);Addition:
If the script has problems with whitespaces in the input file names, you may need to exchange the gpg
command line with this:
gpg --output "%%~nF" --batch --yes --passphrase %password% --decrypt "%%~F"
The ~
modifiers remove potential surrounding double-quotes, so "%%~nF"
and "%%~F"
always enclose the file name with double-quotes. Notice that "%%F"
could lead to double-double-quotes unintentionally...