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Griffon Dependency

i'm trying to use org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils in a Griffon application (Griffon 1.5) .. I included it in the BuildConfig shown below ..

dependencies {
    // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime' or 'test' scopes eg.

    // runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.5'
       build 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.0'


It gets downloaded correctly from maven central I get a class not found exception when I run my application .. What am I doing wrong ?? (I tried changing it to runtime / compile .. that didn't work either .. and I inserted the jar manually in the library folder .. no joy )



  • The compile scope is the one you need. build is only used for the build scripts themselves.