I'm using Angular Dynamic locale and Angular-Translate for internationalization and localization (i18n). And works well.
I like the idea of angular-translate that is possible to change the language without refresh the page.
All the words from angular-translate changed automatically, but not the words from angular_locale (datapicker, etc), that the users need refreshing the page.
Just in case you don't have absolute necessity to use Angular Dynamic locale,you can create your own LocaleFactory like this:
factory('LocaleFactory', function ( $locale, $translate) {
var locales = {
nl: {
"AMPMS" : [
"DAY" : [
"MONTH" : [
"fullDate" : "EEEE d MMMM y",
"longDate" : "d MMMM y",
"medium" : "d MMM y HH:mm:ss",
"mediumDate": "d MMM y",
"mediumTime": "HH:mm:ss",
"short" : "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm",
"shortDate" : "dd-MM-yyyy",
"shortTime" : "HH:mm"
"CURRENCY_SYM": "\u20ac",
"DECIMAL_SEP" : ",",
"GROUP_SEP" : ".",
"gSize" : 3,
"lgSize" : 3,
"macFrac": 0,
"maxFrac": 3,
"minFrac": 0,
"minInt" : 1,
"negPre" : "-",
"negSuf" : "",
"posPre" : "",
"posSuf" : ""
"gSize" : 3,
"lgSize" : 3,
"macFrac": 0,
"maxFrac": 2,
"minFrac": 2,
"minInt" : 1,
"negPre" : "\u00a4\u00a0",
"negSuf" : "-",
"posPre" : "\u00a4\u00a0",
"posSuf" : ""
return {
setLocale: function (key) {
angular.copy(locales[key], $locale);
Similarly you can add other locals as well
Call setLocale to change the locale
run(function (LocaleFactory) {
When ever your locale get changed you can call setLocale by providing the locale key as an argument. It will change your locale instantly