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Intellij-idea reverse paste into string (aka copy from string)?

In Intellij idea if you paste some text into a string literal (between double quotes) the java editor can automatically reformat the pasted text - ie to place necessary escaping characters for double quotes new lines etc.
I want to do reverse, ie when copying text from inside a string literal the editor to place the clean text in the clipboard without the escaping characters, double quotes and new lines separated by plus signs etc.

For example when a paste these XML lines

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

into a string literal in Intellij Java editor it becomes:

String str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" +

I want when I copy from this string literal to have an option for storing the clean text in the clipboard as it was before pasting. Ie to have the original text back.


  • Place cursor at value of the string and followed by Alt + Enter | Copy String Concatenation Text to the Clipboard