I am novice in programming world, so please forgive my ignorance.
I want to retrieve the primary key value of a row I just inserted. The primary key values are automatically generated. I want to insert that primary key value into another table as a foreign key.
This is the code to insert data in 1st table
Core.DB.DoQuery("insert into survey(id, title, detail, employerid, userid) values(@id, @title, @detail, @eid, @uid);",
Core.DB.SIP("title", surveyTitle.Text),
Core.DB.SIP("detail", surveyDetail.Text),
Core.DB.SIP("eid", LocalHelper.UserEmployerID()),
Core.DB.SIP("uid", LocalHelper.UserID()),
Core.DB.SIP("id", survey))
where DoQuery
Shared Sub DoQuery(ByVal commandText As String, ByVal ParamArray params As SqlParameter())
Dim conn As SqlConnection = Nothing
conn = GetOpenSqlConnection()
DoQuery(conn, commandText, params)
If conn IsNot Nothing Then conn.Dispose()
End Try
End Sub
In the above code the id which is the primary key is automatically generated. I want to retrieve that value to insert it as surveyid
into 2nd table.
Core.DB.DoQuery("insert into surveyquestioncategory(title, detail, surveyid) values(@title, @detail, @sid)",
Core.DB.SIP("title", categoryTitle.Text),
Core.DB.SIP("detail", categoryDetail.Text),
Core.DB.SIP("sid", Survey.ID))
And by retrieving the id of 2nd table wan to insert the value on 3rd table.
To retrieve the id value of recently inserted row we can use
As this is an web application and several users are using the application at the same time is it possible that SCOPE_IDENTITY()
can return value of wrong row. If so how can I avoid that?
Please forgive my ignorance about programming.
Appreciate your help.
Thanks Bashabi
statement you can do it in one query or create procedure for this
INSERT INTO survey (id, title, detail, employerid, userid)
OUTPUT @title, @detail, inserted.ID INTO surveyquestioncategory (title, detail, surveyid)
VALUES (@id, @title, @detail, @eid, @uid);
From MSDN OUTPUT Clause (Transact-SQL)