Search code examples

Disable grails Searchable plugin default search page?

I'm trying to disable the Searchable plugin default search page (http://localhost/searchable/), but haven't found a way to do it. Anyone know how this can be done, preferably in a legit way, but resorting to trickery if necessary?


  • I usually re-route error code handlers to a controller so I can do some logging or whatever before rendering the view. You can use that here also:

    class UrlMappings {
       static mappings = {
          "/searchable/$action?"(controller: "errors", action: "urlMapping")
          "/$controller/$action?/$id?" { }
          "403"(controller: "errors", action: "accessDenied")
          "404"(controller: "errors", action: "notFound")
          "405"(controller: "errors", action: "notAllowed")
          "500"(view: '/error')

    where ErrorsController looks something like this:

    class ErrorsController {
       def accessDenied = {}
       def notFound = {
          log.debug "could not find $request.forwardURI"
       def notAllowed = {}
       def urlMapping = {
          log.warn "unexpected call to URL-Mapped $request.forwardURI"
          render view: 'notFound'

    and you'll need to create accessDenied.gsp, notFound.gsp, and notAllowed.gsp in grails-app/errors

    By sending a 'hidden' controller to its custom mapping you can log unexpected access to it, but still render the 404 page to hide its existence.