I keep getting a Type Mismatch Error with the following code, and I can't figure out why. When the debugger gives me this error, and I press continue, it moves along as it should. So it seems the code works. So why throw this error in the first place?!
Sub Record()
' ...
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:" & (60 - Second(Now))), "Record"
' ...
End Sub
Fixed colon, but issue still remained. The issue was That "00:00:60" is not a valid number as you cannot have 60 seconds. It should have been "00:01:00".
You miss colon after 00:00:
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:" & (60 - Second(Now))), "Record"
It doesn't cause 'Type mismatch' error, but it make your function works in unexpected way.
The error you talk about appears when Second(Now) = 0
In such case expression TimeValue("00:00:" & (60 - Second(Now)))
returns "00:00:60" and this is not a proper time format.
Here is work-around for this issue:
Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 60 - Second(Now)), "Record"