Below program is to print the all possible permutations of the string. I tried this in Perl. But the output is not seems to be the expected one. Could someone please help?
print "Enter string ";
chomp( $str = <STDIN> );
$n = length($str);
&combi( $str, 0, ( $n - 1 ) );
sub combi {
$l = $_[1];
$r = $_[2];
if ( $l == $r ) {
print( $_[0], "\n" );
else {
@char = split( "", $_[0] );
for ( $i = $l; $i <= $r; $i++ ) {
&swap( $char[ $_[1] ], $char[$i] );
$res = join( "", @char );
&combi( $res, ( ( $_[1] ) + 1 ), $r );
&swap( $char[ $_[1] ], $char[$i] );
sub swap {
$temp = $_[0];
$_[0] = $_[1];
$_[1] = $temp;
Output of the Program:
Enter String: abc
I'm having a hard time understanding your code, but I think your problem is - you're trying do to it quite a heavy weight sort of a way, but importantly - you're not actually 'unwinding' the tail of your recursion.
The point of a recursive algorithm is you traverse deep but collate the results.
So I'd approach your problem like this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $str = 'abcde';
sub combinations {
my ($string) = @_;
print "Starting combinations with \"$string\"\n";
if ( length($string) == 1 ) {
return ($string);
my @combinations;
for my $index ( 0 .. length($string) - 1 ) {
my @chars = split( //, $string );
my $firstletter = splice( @chars, $index, 1 );
print "Keeping: $firstletter combining @chars\n";
foreach my $combination ( combinations( join( "", @chars ) ) ) {
print "Got for @chars $combination\n";
push( @combinations, $firstletter . $combination );
return (@combinations);
print join( "\n", combinations($str) );
We have a recursive routine that's 'given' a string. It iterates each of the letters in that string - picking out the 'first letter' and handing the remaining letters to a recursive call to do the same thing.
But then it's 'sticking back together' the results of the call, to make a list of 'results' - since each 'level' of the call should be generating a number of answers, which it then returns to the higher level call, etc.
Note - I've also:
and warnings
- which is really important when writing code. &
prefix in sub calls. That's rarely what you want to be doing. $_[0]
- as a style point, you should avoid using implicit variables explicitly any more than necessary. Name your args, and give them names that's clear what's going on.