I cannot seem to be able to select only the first addresses postcode from the xml type provider.
The fragment below is a fragment from larger XML document:
<street1>Bob Way</street1>
<postcode>AB12 3QE</postcode>
<postcode>AB13 4FE</postcode>
I have loaded the documents in the type provider:
type XmlReqSample = XmlProvider<"C:\\Temp\\requests\\samples.xml", SampleIsList=true, Global=true>
Some of the requests only have one address, some have two or more which is why I tried loading a sample. I want to know how to select only the first addresses postcode:
// 'file' is a string of XML data
let doc = XmlReqSample.Parse(file)
let postCode = doc.Body.Applicant.Address.Value.Postcode.Value
However, I cannot select only the first postcode.
How do I select the first address and in particular the postcode?
#r "packages/FSharp.Data.2.2.3/lib/portable-net40+sl5+wp8+win8/FSharp.Data.dll"
#r "System.Xml.Linq"
open FSharp.Data
type XmlReqSample = XmlProvider<"sample.xml">
// file is a string of XML data
let applicant = XmlReqSample.Load(file)
let firstAddress =
|> Array.tryFind (fun _ -> true)
val firstAddess : Address option
Furthermore to get a postcode from an Address you can define a little function:
let getPostCode address =
address |> Option.bind (fun (t:XmlReqSample.Address) -> Some t.Postcode)
and use like:
getPostCode firstAddress
val it : string option = Some "AB12 3QE"