I'm trying to automate a web application's ui-tests by using Groovy, Maven, Geb and Spock. I've a page that shows confirmation pop-up to ask user "Are you sure? -Yes -No" after clicking a button on the page. I am able to click the button on the page and I also need to click to "Yes" button which is in the pop-up window. When I inspect the "Yes" button on Google Chrome it looks available, so that I used its name like this on page:
import geb.Page
class page extends Page{
static url = "myPage"
static at = { waitFor { title == "My Page" }}
static content =
confirmBtn {$("input[value*='Confirm']")}
yesBtn {$("input[value*='Yes']")}
This is what I tried to click "Yes":
import geb.spock.GebSpec
import MyPage
class MySpec extends GebSpec{
def "Confirm"(){
def page = to MyPage
go MyPage
As a result it gives me the following exception:
org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
How can I click that "Yes" button, do you have any suggestions?
I debugged the code by adding the following lines before clicking the button:
waitFor { yesBtn.isEnabled() }
println "isDisplayed: " + yesBtn.isDisplayed()
println "isEnabled: " + yesBtn.isEnabled()
But whether I waitFor button to get enabled or displayed or not it always prints:
isDisplayed: false
isEnabled: true
And after reading this post I got the idea that dom needs to get refreshed somehow.
As the button will not be there when the page is first loaded, you need to inform Geb of this fact by passing required: false
like so:
yesBtn(required:false) { $("input[value*='Yes']") }