I want to read 80 MB wav file in MATLAB. I tried wavread and audioread functions but I could not read it. I splitted wav file when I was reading by wavread(file, [startpos endpos]). But in 50. iteration the program has broken. I could not read file completely. It works for wavread(file, [1 500000]), but doesn't work wavread(file, [50000000 50500000]);
In import menu I can import 30 MB wav file directly but when I try to read step by step with for loop, it has been broken.
I changed Java Heap Memory to 560 MB from preferences.
I am waiting for your recommandations. Thanks.
path = 'asdf\asdf';
ss = dir(path);
L = ss.bytes; % Data length
p = L/100; % I read %1 of data for each step
data = zeros(L,1);
for i = 1 : 100
startpos = (i-1)*p+1;
endpos = i*p;
data(startpos:endpos) = wavread(path, [startpos endpos]);
You are calculating L
wrong. That's the number of bytes, but not the number of samples. A typical audio file has more than 8 bits/sample. Besides the file size includes the header information.
Use audioinfo
to get L