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How to implement drill down in Stacked Bar Chart(amchart)

We have implemented stacked bar chart using amchart. We have displaying the top 5 selling products in the charts.When drill down charts, the product manufactures details will display on the chart.


  • You can use chart's event clickGraphItem when the user clicks on a column. Then dynamically update chart's dataProvider property and call validateData() method to take in new data.

    Here's a complete working demo. It has more stuff in it than just what I mentioned above, like for instance updating labels of current level being displayed, as well as back button to go up a level in drill-down.

    var chartData = [{
        "category": 2009,
        "income": 23.5,
        "description":"click to drill-down",
        "months": [
            { "category": 1, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 2, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 3, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 4, "income": 3 },
            { "category": 5, "income": 2.5 },
            { "category": 6, "income": 1.1 },
            { "category": 7, "income": 2.9 },
            { "category": 8, "income": 3.5 },
            { "category": 9, "income": 3.1 },
            { "category": 10, "income": 1.1 },
            { "category": 11, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 12, "income": 3 }
    }, {
        "category": 2010,
        "income": 26.2,
        "description":"click to drill-down",
        "months": [
            { "category": 1, "income": 4 },
            { "category": 2, "income": 3 },
            { "category": 3, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 4, "income": 4 },
            { "category": 5, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 6, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 7, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 8, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 9, "income": 3 },
            { "category": 10, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 11, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 12, "income": 3 }
    }, {
        "category": 2011,
        "income": 30.1,
        "description":"click to drill-down",
        "months": [
            { "category": 1, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 2, "income": 3 },
            { "category": 3, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 4, "income": 5 },
            { "category": 5, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 6, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 7, "income": 2 },
            { "category": 8, "income": 2.5 },
            { "category": 9, "income": 3.1 },
            { "category": 10, "income": 1.1 },
            { "category": 11, "income": 1 },
            { "category": 12, "income": 3 }
    var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
        "type": "serial",
            "theme": "none",
            "pathToImages": "/lib/3/images/",
            "autoMargins": false,
            "marginLeft": 30,
            "marginRight": 8,
            "marginTop": 10,
            "marginBottom": 26,
        "titles": [{
            "text": "Yearly data"
            "dataProvider": chartData,
            "startDuration": 1,
            "graphs": [{
            "alphaField": "alpha",
                "balloonText": "<span style='font-size:13px;'>[[title]] in [[category]]:<b>[[value]]</b> [[additional]]</span> <br>[[description]]",
                "dashLengthField": "dashLengthColumn",
                "fillAlphas": 1,
                "title": "Income",
                "type": "column",
                "valueField": "income","urlField":"url"
            "categoryField": "category",
            "categoryAxis": {
                "gridPosition": "start",
                "axisAlpha": 0,
                "tickLength": 0
    chart.addListener("clickGraphItem", function (event) {
        if ( 'object' === typeof event.item.dataContext.months ) {
            // set the monthly data for the clicked month
            event.chart.dataProvider = event.item.dataContext.months;
            // update the chart title
            event.chart.titles[0].text = event.item.dataContext.category + ' monthly data';
            // let's add a label to go back to yearly data
                "!10", 25, 
                "Go back to yearly >",
            // validate the new data and make the chart animate again
    // function which resets the chart back to yearly data
    function resetChart() {
        chart.dataProvider = chartData;
        chart.titles[0].text = 'Yearly data';
        // remove the "Go back" label
        chart.allLabels = [];
    #chartdiv {
        width : 100%;
        height : 300px;
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <div id="chartdiv"></div>