In php and javascript I can do something like this
If ($a == 1){
$set_num = 1
} Else {
$set_num = 2
textbox_ . $set_num = "Some text here"
checkbox_ . $set_num = "Some text here"
radio_ . $set_num = "Some text here"
How can I do this in
In my design page I have many panel, splitter, textbox, checkbox and other things and please take note that this design is under the panel tab (index 2). What I want is to create a short code (Short as possible) so when the user types in a certain textbox I will know what schedule to activate so every time the user clicks the apply button the system will just send the set that has a last text_change
This is my code in and I wanted to use me.controls to call an object in a string, but it's not working
Dim lab As Label
For i As Integer = 1 To 10
lab = Me.Controls("tb_hour_" & i)
lab.Text = "Test" & i
By the way, the name of my textbox, checkbox and radio button is something like this
tb_hour_1, tb_minute_1, cb_monday_1, etc. _1 stands for schedule 1 so for the schedule 2 it will be like this tb_hour_2, tb_minute_2, cb_monday_2, etc.
Actually my code is working, the problem comes in when I put the textboxes, checkboxes, etc inside the panel and splitter. The purpose of panel and splitter is just to have a design (my aim is the border).
Currently this is the code that I used to achieved my goal, but my code is so hard to maintain because I nested a condition. That's why I want to apply while loop and target all of the objects in a string
If Lbl_Temp_1.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR01^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_2.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR02^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_3.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR03^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_4.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR04^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_5.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR05^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_6.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR06^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_7.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR07^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_8.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR08^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_9.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR09^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
If Lbl_Temp_10.Text = "0" Then
frmTerminal.Lbl_Settings_Cmd.Text = "CSR10^"
frmTerminal.cmdSend_Click(sender, e)
Tmr_Schedule_Get.Enabled = False
frmTerminal.Tmr_Write_Check.Enabled = True
Btn_Schedule.Enabled = False
Me.Settings_Tab.TabPages(1).Enabled = True
If Cb_Set_1.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_2.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_3.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_4.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_5.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_6.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_7.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_8.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_9.Checked = True Or Cb_Set_10.Checked = True Then
Btn_Schedule.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
It seems that right now it isn't possible to target an object that is under the panel, and that panel is also under the panel.
I managed to fix this issue by re-creating my design layout, as much as possible I limit the use of panels to one object is under 1 panel only, by doing it like that I can easily target the object using this code.
For Each Ctrl_Panel_Set As Control In Schedule_Tab
If TypeOf Ctrl_Panel_Set Is Panel And Ctrl_Panel_Set.Name.StartsWith("Panel_Set_") Then
For Each Ctrl_Lbl_Temp In Ctrl_Panel_Set.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl_Lbl_Temp Is Label Then
If Ctrl_Lbl_Temp.Name.StartsWith("Lbl_Temp_") Then
If Ctrl_Lbl_Temp.Text = "0" Then
Panel_Set_Num = CType(Ctrl_Panel_Set, Panel).Name
Set_Num = "CSR" & Panel_Set_Num.Substring(Panel_Set_Num.Length - 2) & "^"
Return Set_Num
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next Ctrl_Panel_Set