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Update one filter in GPUImageFilterGroup without redraw all filters

I use GPUImageFilterGroup to apply some filters to a image. All filters stable (all parameters is constant), but last filter is variable (some parameter is changed).

I need redraw image after last filter was changed.

Now I call processImage on source GPUImagePicture, but this invocation redraw all filters and speed is too slow.

How can I redraw only last filter in the group?

I think, I should save copy of a frame buffer before last filter will draw, and when I've change some parameter in the last filter, I should use saved frame buffer to redraw last filter. But I can't find how I can save copy of the frame buffer.


  • I've solved this, by subclassing GPUImageFilter and GPUImageFilterGroup. In GPUImageFilter I've overloaded method

    - (void)newFrameReadyAtTime:(CMTime)frameTime atIndex:(NSInteger)textureIndex
    [self renderToTextureWithVertices:imageVertices textureCoordinates:[[self class] textureCoordinatesForRotation:inputRotation]];
    [self informTargetsAboutNewFrameAtTime:frameTime];

    In GPUImageFilterGroup I've overloaded methods:

    - (void)addFilter:(GPUImageOutput<GPUImageInput> *)newFilter
        NSParameterAssert([newFilter isKindOfClass:    [FAEShiftFilterWithBackOutputBuffer class]]);
        if ([newFilter isKindOfClass:[FAEShiftFilterWithBackOutputBuffer class]])
            __weak typeof(self) selfWeak = self;
            [(FAEShiftFilterWithBackOutputBuffer*)newFilter setOutputBufferCallback:^(FAEShiftFilterWithBackOutputBuffer *sender) {
            __strong typeof(selfWeak) selfStrong = selfWeak;
            if (selfStrong)
                if (!selfStrong.lastFramebuffer)
                    if ([selfStrong isPreLastFilter:sender])
                        selfStrong.lastFramebuffer = [sender framebufferForOutput];
                        [selfStrong.lastFramebuffer lock];
    [super addFilter:newFilter];

    This method stores outputFrameBuffer from preLast filter. And method:

    - (void)newFrameReadyAtTime:(CMTime)frameTime atIndex:(NSInteger)textureIndex
        if (self.filterCount > 1)
        if (self.lastFramebuffer)
            GPUImageFilter* lastFilter = (GPUImageFilter*)self.terminalFilter;
            [lastFilter setInputFramebuffer:self.lastFramebuffer atIndex:0];
            [lastFilter newFrameReadyAtTime:frameTime atIndex:textureIndex];
            [super newFrameReadyAtTime:frameTime atIndex:textureIndex];
        [super newFrameReadyAtTime:frameTime atIndex:textureIndex];

    Also I reset saved framebuffer in dealloc and forceProcessingAtSize and forceProcessingAtSizeRespectingAspectRatio methods.

    - (void)_clearLastFrameBuffer
     if (_lastFramebuffer)
         [_lastFramebuffer unlock];
         _lastFramebuffer = nil;