I have a popover that contains a UITableView. This UITableView has a cell with a text field in it:
alt text http://cl.ly/1b50a21ca8202d22db1b/content
When the popover opens near the bottom of the screen, and I tap the text field to edit it, the keyboard comes up, and the popover moves up to avoid being covered by the keyboard. But as it moves up, the table view in the popover scrolls up out of bounds:
alt text http://cl.ly/4fe64fbfe9518f20560d/content
I can scroll it back down, but how do I prevent this from happening.
I've come to the conclusion that this is a bug. I have filed a bug report with Apple (rdar://8156616) as well as a report on OpenRadar.
For anyone interested, here is a sample project that demonstrates the issue.