Just to make sure there's no confusion.
I am not asking how to write a regular palindrome finder.
I know that would be a repeat question.
I know that to find a palindrome you use
isPalindrome :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome xs = xs == (reverse xs)
This would return true for "madamimadam".
What I can't figure out is the function that would return true for "Madam I'm Adam".
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, toLower)
isPalindromeStripped :: String -> Bool
isPalindromeStripped xs = isPalindrome (strip xs)
strip :: String -> String
strip xs = map toLower (filter isAlphaNum xs)
This version uses strip
to turn "Madam I'm Adam"
into "MadamImAdam"
first, then lowercasing it to "madamimadam"