I know this is a long shot.
What I'm hoping is that there is a way to deploy multiple copies of a Web.config file to the production environment as part of packaged code (let's call them Web.config.prod
and Web.config.prodTest
) so that regression testers can test on a disconnected production server (using prodTest
) in a different namespace (e.g., prodtest.com) prior to making it go live (say, using prod
on prod.com) without doing two separate deployments.
Short of making a PowerShell script to swap out the values, I can't think of a good way to do this. Every project I've seen so far has a single .config file made as part of the build.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
For some settings (the ones most likely to change) you can put both in the web.config and have the code select the appropriate configuration to use.
<add name="ProductionDatabase" DataSource="production-db.mycompany.com" />
<add name="TestDatabase" DataSource="test-db.mycompany.com" />
However, if you don't want to do that, then you are welcome to write your own build/deployment scripts and have them do exactly what you want.