I'm recoding an old site that contains a chart similar to this:
alt text http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/240752/rental-chart.gif
How would this chart be represented with pure HTML? I'm loathed to just include it as an image.
I'm thinking a table, just replaced with an image, or perhaps overlaid with absolutely positioned table rows, but I think that may be a bit fragile.
Any suggestions welcomed.
Whats wrong with the image?
Most times when you see chart information on the Web its a generated .jpg or .png.
Have all those designers got something wrong?
Any attempt to draw the chart using tables and backgroud colours will not be intelligable to a sight impaired person, and, in all probability will not render correctly on a browser that cannot handle images.
Use the image and have an "alt" text with a real English description "A chart showing ACME product costs only $49 compared with competitors: Rental Company 4 at $51 .......