I am using OTA to upload test cases from excel to ALM.
I have used the excel add-in and have found it to be quite cumbersome for my project needs, so I am writing a custom script to accomplish the task.
Note: Version Control is ON.
I have version control on, therefore, I need to check out the created test case before I can add steps. Preferably, I'd like to be able to check in the test case again when I am complete. Is there a way to do this with the OTA api?
This is the script that I am using:
Sub UploadTC()
Dim QCConnection
Dim qcUserName, qcPassword, qcDomain, qcProj
Dim tsf, trmgr
Dim trfolder, trtest
Dim dsf, dstep, steplist
Dim TCR As Range
Dim cache As Range
Dim scount As Range
Dim TCName As Range
Dim TCStep As Range
Dim TCDesc As Range
Dim TCExRe As Range
Dim TCComm As Range
Dim TCType As Range
'~~~These need to come from a user form. Temporary.
qcUserName = "ssoong01"
qcPassword = "*********"
qcDomain = "HUB"
qcProj = "*********"
Set QCConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
'MsgBox ("Connect to QC Server")
QCConnection.InitConnectionEx "http://hpalm-qc.*****.net:8080/qcbin/"
'MsgBox ("Connection Established.")
QCConnection.Login qcUserName, qcPassword
'MsgBox ("Login Authenticated.")
QCConnection.Connect qcDomain, qcProj
'MsgBox ("Connected to Project.")
Set tsf = QCConnection.TestFactory
Set trmgr = QCConnection.TreeManager
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Test Cases")
'Create Project Folder
Set trfolder = trmgr.NodebyPath("Subject").AddNode(.Cells(3, 2))
'Loop through each row in sheet from A4
Set cache = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Values").Range("$A$3")
For Each TCR In .Range(.Cells(4, 1), .Cells(.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, 1))
Set TCName = .Range(TCR.Offset(0, 1).Address)
Set TCType = .Range(TCR.Offset(0, 7).Address)
'If Folder Then
If TCType.Value = "Folder" Then
Set trfolder = trmgr.NodebyPath("Subject" & TCR.Value).AddNode(TCName.Value)
'If Test Case Then
ElseIf TCType.Value = "MANUAL" Then
'If cached TC name = current row TC name then skip
If TCName = cache.Value Then
'Add Test Case
ElseIf TCName <> cache.Value Then
Set trfolder = trmgr.NodebyPath("Subject" & TCR.Value)
Set trtest = trfolder.TestFactory.AddItem(TCName.Value)
' set values
trtest.Field("TS_NAME") = TCName
trtest.Field("TS_RESPONSIBLE") = qcUserName ' Designer
trtest.Field("TS_TYPE") = "MANUAL"
Set dsf = trtest.DesignStepFactory
Set steplist = dsf.Newlist("[empty]")
' loop through all the steps
Set scount = .Range(TCName.Address)
Set TCStep = .Range(scount.Offset(0, 1).Address)
Set TCDesc = .Range(scount.Offset(0, 2).Address)
Set TCExRe = .Range(scount.Offset(0, 3).Address)
Set TCComm = .Range(scount.Offset(0, 4).Address)
Set dstep = dsf.AddItem(Null)
dstep.Field("DS_STEP_NAME") = TCStep.Value
dstep.Field("DS_DESCRIPTION") = TCDesc.Value
dstep.Field("DS_EXPECTED") = TCExRe.Value
Set scount = .Range(scount.Offset(1).Address)
Loop Until scount.Value <> scount.Offset(-1).Value
'cache TC name
cache.Value = TCName.Value
End If
MsgBox ("Invalid type at cell: " & TCR.Address)
End If
Next TCR
HP Application Lifecycle Management
Application Lifecycle Management Edition 11.52.514
OTA Client 11.52.514.0
Yes, you can perform both check-in and check-out operations using the OTA API. It is described in detail in the documentation, and there are also some sample scripts there that shows how it can be done. I assume that you know where to find the OTA API reference/documenation?
Here is a sample script from the documentation, which shows how to write a function that performs a check-out of a test:
Public Function CheckoutTest(tst As Test, comment$, _
ByRef CanContinue As Boolean) As Object
On Error GoTo checkout_err
CanContinue = True
Dim fVersionControl As VCS
Set fVersionControl = tst.VCS
If IsNull(fVersionControl) Then
Set CheckoutTest = Null
Exit Function
End If
Set CheckoutTest = fVersionControl
fVersionControl.CheckOut -1, comment, False
Exit Function
CanContinue = False
ErrHandler err, "CheckoutTest", "", FATAL_ERROR
End Function