I'd need to make my area elements appear as pointer cursor to indicate that they are clickable. The flags on the map at the right, 'http://www.metlifecare.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-villages' should appear like they are links.
I'm pretty sure the method I've been using right now to show the <areas>
as pointer cursors is working before. Somehow, now its not working anymore.
CSS I've been using:
area:hover, .hover {
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
Based on the example, http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_areamap
, the area elements are working as a link. However, the flags on the site I'm currently working are not. They should appear the same also.
Am I missing something or any suggestion for alternative to make it work correctly?
This problem is resolved after spending couple of hours looking on the web for a fix.
All what I did was remove the cursor:default;
applied to the ''. Voila! The cursor:pointer
applied to map elements are now working.