As I'm building a sinhala speech recognition system using pocketsphinx I have come across two major error while running sphinxtrain run command and pocketsphinx_continuous command my project folder can be seen HERE. Still I'm using small data set and currently I'm in the process of recording some more words. After running sphinxtrain run command I have copied following files to pocketsphinx language model default location /usr/local/share/pocketsphinx/model/en-us/ by creating a folder call si,
Then I ran pocketsphinx_continuous command and the Errors I got are HERE.
sphinxtrain run command and pocketsphinx_continuous command my project folder can be seen HERE.
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For sinhala language It is very dificult to redice number of phones specially below 255. Is their any solution for that?
Use smaller phoneset. According to the paper
you can use just 40 phonemes
Why I'm getting senone.c error mentioned in the logs? and How to correct it?
You are using too many phonemes, use smaller phonemes
Does SRILM support to create .lm.bin files for sinhala language?
No, you can use LM created with SRILM directly without conversion to lm.bin