Background: I am trying to display an image from an Ax2012 DB on an ASP.Net page.
Problem: The image is stored in the Ax2012 DB as a BLOB (Or well, an Ax Container). I must to convert this in my C#.Net webservice (Connected via the BusinessConnector) to a Byte array, or even directly to a Base64 string.
What have I done: With the code as below, I get an exception that the imageObject is not serializable. Which I understand to a certain extent, but how else would I do this then?
Code Behind:
while (axRecord.Found)
string workerRecId = axRecord.get_Field("WorkerRecId").ToString();
string name = axRecord.get_Field("Name").ToString();
string image;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
AxaptaContainer imageObject = (AxaptaContainer)axRecord.get_Field("Image");
new BinaryFormatter().Serialize(ms, imageObject);
image = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
string wppServiceWarehouse = axRecord.get_Field("WPPServiceWarehouse").ToString();
dataTable.Rows.Add(new object[] { workerRecId, name, image, wppServiceWarehouse });
ASP page:
<asp:Image id="employee_ProfilePhoto" runat="server" imageUrl='<%# "data:image/png;base64," + Eval("Image") %>'/>
I also tried casting it to a string, in which case I get no exception thrown, but also no image ;)
Any advice?
You have to convert container to base64 encoded PNG.
You can add this method to HcmPersonImage
(or any orher) table:
public str getImageAsBase64png()
Image imgObj;
BinData bd;
str result;
if (this.Image)
imgObj = new Image(this.Image);
bd = new BinData();
result = bd.base64Encode();
result = "";
return result;
And then call the getImageAsBase64png
in .cs
code behind: