Say, I have a dic like this
my_dictionary = {'a':1,'c':5,'b':20,'d':7}
Now, I want to do this with my dic:
if my_dictionary['a'] == 1 and my_dictionary['d'] == 7:
print my_dictionary['c']
This looks ridiculous because I am typing my_dictionary 3 times!
So is there any syntax which would allow me to do something like this:
within my_dictionary:
if a == 1 and d == 7:
print c
This would actually work if I didn't have anything more (in this case b) in my dic:
def f(a,d,c):
if a == 1 and d == 7:
print c
You can change your function to
def f(a,d,c,**args):
if a == 1 and d == 7:
print c
then it will work even if you have other items in the dict.