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Can I publish an application that some of its features and UI are altered due to expiration date?

I'm working on a Keyboard extension for iOS. One of the requirements I have is to provide a functionality in which the keyboard's design and word prediction capabilities are temporary. Meaning after a month/45 days I want to change the keyboard looks and disable the word prediction capabilities until the user buys those again using the in-app purchase mechanism.

Basically I want to provide the app for the user for a trial period after which the application becomes less functional.

I have implemented those behaviors in the Android app and now I'm required to perform the same functionality in the iOS app.

The question is: Is this type of app behavior is allowed by Apple, or will I be rejected for this?


  • The Answer is No, You can't Publish trial Base Apps.

    As per App Store Review Guidelines :

    2.9 Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines

    Possible Solution: I Don't know what features you have in your App. But this might help you.

    • You can use Subscription based inApp purchases where user can purchase & enable some feature & that will be available for some limited period.
    • For more details check out here:

    Hope it will help you.