I am building a GUI app using Smalltalk Pharo version 4.0. I am using the following UITheme builder code to create labels since Morphic TextMorphs/LabelMorphs do not implement Observer pattern to update them dynamically on GUI when their value changes through program logic:
UITheme builder
newLabelFor: self
getLabel: #labelValue
getEnabled: nil
I need to change the fonts and text color for the above label. I tried using the following and other similar options but it does not work for me:
newLabelGroup: labelsAndControls font: aFont labelColor: aColor
Is there any way to achieve this?
You can send the messages #color:
and #font:
to the object returned by #newLabelFor:getLabel:getEnabled
. For example the code below creates a big red text:
(UITheme builder
newLabelFor: 'Text'
getLabel: #asString
getEnabled: nil)
color: Color red;
font: (LogicalFont familyName: 'Source Sans Pro' pointSize: 30);
Depending on your image and setup this will not work with all fonts.