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Nested Form Not Updating File Fields Properly

I have a nested form with fields containing of User,Profile and Professional Details Model. User has one Profile. Profile has Many Professional Details (containing a document as file field and a description text field).

The Issue I am facing here is while updating my profile page which is nested form of these 3 models. When I add new professional details and submit the form old professional details get nil and new object for the professional details get created. Params come like this

 {"utf8"=>"✓",     "_method"=>"patch","authenticity_token"=>"+pPcQC1hVJ+u0NS+ApOJbfwGG4NCBkURUA+BZ4ZaTMpMKQihrymC7aVl59D89SnGxt08kCMItqph2yXkOp1WsQ==",
      {"0"=>{"description"=>"fg", "id"=>"139"},
            "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"user[profile_attributes][professional_details_attributes][1][document]\"; filename=\"pdf-sample.pdf\"\r\nContent-Type: application/pdf\r\n",
 "commit"=>"Complete Profile",
"0"=>{"description"=>"fg", "id"=>"139"},

this is the old professional detail object. The document part gets nil after updating the User. Why does the Document of the previously stored get nil in this case?


  • As I said, adding an :id to your strong_params method should solve your problem

    params.require(:user).permit(:id,:tag_list,:email,:role_ids, :activation_token,:uid,:provider,:password,:password_confirmation,:name,:avatar,‌​:dob, profile_attributes: [:id,:address,:country_id,:state_id,:city,:gmc_number,:phone_number,:description‌​,:job_description,professional_details_attributes:[:document,:id,:description,:_d‌​estroy]])