I was displayed with a message saying " invalid hash key . the hash key ********** is not ... " . But I copied this key into the MyApp/Settings/keyhash . Yet is doesn't work .
I tried generating the hash key with the command keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
This generated another hash key ,even after i updated My app with the new key . The app still does not work .
I had this app initially in an other computer ,it work fine there . Only after shifting the project to a new computer all these issues have come .
these are my logcat values :
07-28 13:06:40.446 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ waiting for debugger to settle...
07-28 13:06:40.646 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ waiting for debugger to settle...
07-28 13:06:40.847 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ waiting for debugger to settle...
07-28 13:06:41.047 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ waiting for debugger to settle...
07-28 13:06:41.249 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ waiting for debugger to settle...
07-28 13:06:41.450 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr I/System.out﹕ debugger has settled (1359)
07-28 13:06:41.627 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/Your Tag﹕ bPx5YeVB5lOVc+oiEwo/VWuV8+k=
07-28 13:06:41.641 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: switch
07-28 13:06:41.641 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: foreignObject
07-28 13:06:41.641 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: pgfRef
07-28 13:06:41.648 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: pgf
07-28 13:06:41.664 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: switch
07-28 13:06:41.664 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: foreignObject
07-28 13:06:41.664 15812-15812/com.zobbr.mettl.zobbr D/SVGAndroid﹕ UNRECOGNIZED SVG COMMAND: pgfRef
Use this code to generate hash key
try {
PackageInfo info = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
"Your package name",
for (Signature signature : info.signatures) {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
Log.d("Your Tag", Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), Base64.DEFAULT));
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {