I'M using django south on a bigger project, the only thing I don't like about it, that you can't create schemamigrations for all of your apps at once (I have a lot of apps that inherit from the same abstract model, if I change that base model there are alot of apps to migrate) - thought you can actually migrate all of them at once (using migrate --all).
So I'd like to know if theres an easy solution for django south to handle a bunch of apps at once or if anyone has a nice script ready for doing that?
First thing: separate applications should limit model interactions
now that it's said, let's embrace the constraint. No south cannot create a single migration file for many apps and I don't know how to generate many migrations for many app in a single manage.py command.
All that is left to you is a script now. You could use the amazing fabric http://docs.fabfile.org/ to have a single command to generate your migrations :
APPS_TO_WATCH = ['myapp','myotherapp','toomanyapps']
def migration():
for app in APPS_TO_WATCH:
local('python manage.py schemamigration %s --auto' % app)
and then call it using fab migration