Search code examples

How to get specific words in an output of oracle query

If I send a query like

select message_text
from x$dbgalert;

Then I get this result below..

ORA-1501 signalled during: CREATE DATABASE  "NEWDB"
          ,MAXINSTANCES 1
          ,MAXLOGHISTORY 1
          ,MAXLOGFILES 16

But I want to get a specific word which means 'ORA-1501' in the above result.

What I want is single or several special words that I want to see in long sentence that includes many words.


  • You could use SUBSTR and INSTR.

    For example, let's say you have 3 rows in your table out of which only 2 rows have the ORA- error number.

    SQL> WITH DATA(str) AS(
      2  SELECT 'ORA-1501 signalled during: CREATE DATABASE  "NEWDB"
      3            ,ORA- 1
      4            ,MAXLOGHISTORY 1
      5            ,MAXLOGFILES 16' FROM dual UNION ALL
      6  SELECT 'ORA-1999 signalled during: DROP DATABASE  "NEWDB"
      7            ,MAXINSTANCES 1
      8            ,MAXLOGHISTORY 1
      9            ,MAXLOGFILES 16' FROM dual UNION ALL
     10  SELECT 'signalled during: DROP DATABASE  "NEWDB"
     11            ,MAXINSTANCES 1
     12            ,MAXLOGHISTORY 1
     13            ,MAXLOGFILES 16' FROM dual
     14  )
     15  SELECT SUBSTR(str, 1, instr(str, ' ', 1, 1) -1) str
     16  FROM DATA
     17  WHERE instr(str, 'ORA-') > 0;

    The WHERE instr(str, 'ORA-') > 0 i sto filter out those rows which do not have the ORA- error number.

    Update The WITH clause is just to build a sample data for the demo. In your actual query you don't need the WITH clause.

    You could simply use the query:

    SELECT SUBSTR(message_text, 1, instr(message_text, ' ', 1, 1) -1) message_text
      FROM x$dbgalert
     WHERE instr(message_text, 'ORA-') > 0;