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Maven build has missing package linkages

I am having problems using Maven. I have an Apache Flink project and wanted to run it on my server. Locally it runs fine but on the server it aborts with the error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/flink/examples/java/ml/util/LinearRegressionData

In my Java project I imported the class with


And I used the correct class at the import:

enter image description here

After the build I had a look into the Jar file. The following classes were included:

enter image description here

The /util/ folder is completely missing. My dependency-section in the pom file looks like the following:


When I have seen the package organization in the repository located at, I thought it would be possible to add the following lines to flink:


But these dependencies cannot be resolved. Since Maven does not throw an error when performing a clean install, I think this is a dependency issue. I thought Maven would include all used imports automatically. How can I make this runnable on my server?


  • You should include ML example as follows:


    flink-examples is a parent pom module; not a jar module. How do you build your jar file? Using maven-jar-plugin? A regular mvn package or mvn install does not packages dependencies.

    Using maven-jar-plugin requires to specify what you need to include using <include>. See here:

    In your case it should be something like this:


    You can also compare with

    You also need to "pull" and unpack your dependencies into your project such that they can be re-packages using maven-dependency-plugin
