I just created an Ionic app. Now I'm thinking about publishing.
Just a few days coding, but the output distribution is 50MB. Even it's iOS app without the crosswalk.
That's crazy, is that normal? What should I do? Check or config?
Update, the size of www folder:
$ du -h -d 1 www
4.0K www/css
8.0K www/img
48K www/js
14M www/lib
28K www/templates
14M www
Update: I used https://github.com/diegonetto/generator-ionic, works fine.
The default template when starting an Ionic app only contains "www\lib\ionic" when it comes to bower plugins. If you do not use any of the other libraries inside www\lib then it should be safe to delete them.
Update: The Out-of-the-box gulp task does not clean up your bower folders for you By renaming your .apk's or .ipa-files to .zip it is possible to further analyze whats causing massive file sizes.