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Pyramid and Cassandra don't work properly

I am using Pyramid (1.5.7), waitress (0.8.9) with Cassandra (2.2.0). It seems like Waitress and Cassandra driver are using both asyncore and somehow they are stepping on each others toes. This is my code on the app/ file:

import logging.config
from .action.context import root_factory
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from cassandra.query import named_tuple_factory

def main(global_config, **settings):
    """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application."""

    # support logging in python3
    config = Configurator(settings=settings, root_factory=root_factory)
    # Retrieves connection to Cassandra (Non SQL database)
    def get_non_sql(request):
        cluster = Cluster([''], port=9042)
        session = cluster.connect('app')
        def disconnect(request):
        return cluster.connect('app')

    #Adding scheduler configuration
    config.add_request_method(get_non_sql, 'non_sql', reify=True)
    return config.make_wsgi_app()

Generated errors:

2015-07-27 12:24:36,779 ERROR [waitress][cassandra_driver_event_loop] Socket error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "python3.4/site-packages/waitress-0.8.9-py3.4.egg/waitress/", line 167, in handle_read
    data = self.recv(self.adj.recv_bytes)
  File "python3.4/", line 379, in recv
    data = self.socket.recv(buffer_size)
BlockingIOError: [Errno 35] Resource temporarily unavailable
2015-07-27 12:24:37,079 ERROR [waitress][MainThread] Unexpected exception when flushing.
  File "python3.4/site-packages/waitress-0.8.9-py3.4.egg/waitress/", line 154, in run
  File "python3.4/", line 208, in loop
    poll_fun(timeout, map)
  File "python3.4/", line 145, in poll
    r, w, e =, w, e, timeout)
OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
2015-07-27 12:33:32,649 DEBUG [][cassandra_driver_event_loop] Asyncore event loop ended

Does someone know a workaround for this issue?


  • Waitress and cassandra-driver were using the same socket. I've deleted the version 0.8.9 of waitress and installed the latest development version (master branch)

    pip uninstall waitress
    pip install git+git://

    The asyncore socket has been changed in this version so it works perfectly. Nonetheless I recommend using libev instead, it seems to have better performance than asyncore. In OS X it's as easy as installing the libev library:

    brew install libev

    Right after doing this, install the cassandra-driver (It will detect the libev library automatically)

    pip install cassandra-driver

    And then just use the LibevConnection class:

    from import LibevConnection 
    from cassandra.cluster import Cluster 
    cluster = Cluster() 
    cluster.connection_class = LibevConnection 
    session = cluster.connect()