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IOS - Make background fetch Occurs only once a day (No need for specific time)

I'm using background fetch to schedule task. If i understood correctly background fetch happens many times during the day. I need to limit it to occur only one time during the day. Everything is set up correctly,For now i have setted (as a temp value) the


Any suggestions how can i accomplish that?


  • In your background fetch handler, check the date it was last performed, if that time was yesterday, perform a new fetch and store the time of the next check. Figuring out if the date was yesterday takes a little work:

    // assumes oldDate is the last time it was actually fetched
    let now = NSDate()
    let cal = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)
    let components = cal?.components(.CalendarUnitDay, fromDate:oldDate , toDate: now, options: .WrapComponents)
    let days = components?.day
    if days? > 0 {
        self.oldDate = now

    You'll probaby want to unwrap your optionals better than I did, but that should get you moving.

    Your handler will still get called multiple times per day, but you can use this to skip doing the actual fetch.