I am developing a site using kohana 2.3 and am having trouble with a specific ORM query. Essentially what I am doing is the following query
FROM 'records'
WHERE ('ServRepSupervisor' = name AND 'Followup_read' = 0) OR ('ServRepSupervisor' = name AND `read` = 0)
when I try the ORM query like this...
$unread = ORM::factory('record')
->where(array('ServRepSupervisor' => Auth::instance()->get_user()->name, 'Followup_read' => 0))
->orwhere(array('ServRepSupervisor' => Auth::instance()->get_user()->name, 'read' => 0))
the query i end up with is
SELECT `records`.*
FROM (`records`)
WHERE `ServRepSupervisor` = 'name' AND `Followup_read` = 0
OR `ServRepSupervisor` = 'name'
OR `read` = 0
How can I rework that ORM query to produce the intended result?
EDIT: I managed to get it to work but it does not seem like a very elegant solution.
$unread = ORM::factory('record')
->where('(\'ServRepSupervisor\' = \'' . Auth::instance()->get_user()->name . '\' AND \'Followup_read\' = 0) OR (\'ServRepSupervisor\' = \'' . Auth::instance()->get_user()->name . '\' AND \'read\' = 0)')
This returns the dataset I want but it's just ugly code. There must be a better way of doing this.
Well after a bit of research, I have found a patch for altering KO2 ORM to have open_paren() and close_paren() but the default behavior of orwhere in KO2 does not allow the desired operation so the parens will not help me. I have resigned myself to the fact that the detailed where() method that I am using is the best option for me given my time constraints. I have altered the query slightly to accommodate some peculiarities in my mysql instance.
This works and is the final query for this project.
$unread = ORM::factory('record')
->where('(ServRepSupervisor = \'' . Auth::instance()->get_user()->name . '\' AND Followup_read = 0) OR (ServRepSupervisor = \'' . Auth::instance()->get_user()->name . '\' AND records.read = 0)')