I have a script in Python that uses xlwings to open up an Excel file, and read and process the values of a certain column row by row. Here is the for statement:
for row in range(2, rownum):
I would like to repeat this function over every row in the sheet that actually contains something. It starts at 2 and ends at 'rownum'. My question is how to automatically count the number of rows and pass that value to 'rownum'. I'm sure xlwings has a way to do this, but I can't figure it out- perhaps the Autofit tool?
Thanks for the help!
Unless I've missed something while reading their API documentation it doesn't seem possible. You might need to use other libraries, for example pandas
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file_path, sheetname="Sheet1")
print len(df)
If you don't want to use another library just for that, you can do it the hard and ugly way:
last_row = 0
while True:
if cell_value is not None: # replace cell_value with however
# xlwings accesses a cell's value
last_row += 1
print last_row